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Foot Care for Seniors Part 1

Your foot is one of the most used parts of your body. You walk; you stand; you run; you hike. Your feet has to support the entire weight of your body for sometimes hours a day repeatedly, 365 days a year with no rest except when you’re physically sick. It makes sense then that all those years can take their toll.

AllCare Foot & Ankle Center is Dallas’ and Arlington’s foot and ankle health experts. We care about helping seniors care for their feet as they age. In this blog post, we’ll go over some helpful tips specifically for seniors for foot care. Contact us today!


AllCare Foot & Ankle Center in Arlington cares about your feet. For seniors, wear and tear can over the years definitely take their toll. With falls being the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for seniors, you need to be able to walk without pain, sores, warts, bunions, or other foot problems. See your podiatrist regularly to check your feet for any problems that may cause problems walking. Contact us today!

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